My Organizing Hacks
How to Visualize your Space
Can you visualize what your space will look like? If not, get inspiration by looking at magazines, Pinterest or other websites for ideas. If you find what you like cut/copy these pictures. If using digital pictures, you can use FREE collage programs to create your online collages.

Clearing your “brain clutter”
To get clarity sometimes we need to express what’s in our mind without having to worry about judgment or perfection.
Doing this daily or weekly will allow you to clear out the brain lint.
I call this, doing a “brain dump” and you can do it by writing in a journal or you can do it digitally.
Check out this cool digital journal to express yourself- No Judgment
When you look at your laundry pile, do you
DREAD having to fold it?
Do you wish you could fold your clothes neatly in a drawer
or closet?
Half the battle of organizing a closet or a drawer is figuring
it out how to make it all fit it. Check out this YouTube video
to help demystify the art of folding clothes.

There’s a plethora of organizing tools and products offering storage solutions for everyday hassles, such as easy access to pots and pans, space saving shelving for cabinets, organizing bins to keep items in place and even hacks for keeping electric and computer cords tidy.
There are budget friendly options and there are aesthetically pleasing ones for anyone willing to spend a bit more.
If you do your research on popular organization brands, get inspired ideas from Pinterest, or check out Amazon for the latest gadgets, and use your creativity, you can find the right space saving product, organizing system and tools you need for your project.
Have FUN getting organized!
A Professional Organizer Can Help you to:
Identify the Clutter
An organizer can help you identify the reasons you are holding on to clutter by asking 3 questions:
1. Does it enrich your life? (Do I enjoy looking at it? Does it energize me?)
2. Is it useful? (Is it something I need everyday to perform a function?)
3. Is it loved? (is it an antique? Does it make me feel good?)
Define your end goal
By identifying the reasons why you want to get organized, the Organizer can understand your goals and time frame and also the best action to take based on your schedule and lifestyle. There isn’t a one size fits all method to organization. There are different personalities, different needs and understanding and applying the right system is what will give you consistent results long after the organizer has left.
Guide you as you arrive at your personal style
Your home won’t look like a Pinterest post-unless that IS your style.
An organizer isn’t there to design a photo-perfect home that appears superficially beautiful on the outside. The organizer is there to help you make your space inviting to you and your family and to make it work for the lifestyle you have so that you have time for what really matters in your life.
Your organizer will be looking for ways to free up space and smooth out inefficiency. They’ll work to create a loose organizational system that you can stick to, not some unrealistically perfect regime you’ll give up on two weeks later.
Help you Take One Step at a Time in Your Organizing Process
By starting with one project at a time and dedicating 15-20 minutes a day you can eliminate the overwhelm, and stop procrastination. You can start with throwing out items that are expired, old or broken, or deciding what to donate. Then finding a “home” for the items you keep so that they will always be found.
Never judge or make you wrong for the decisions you make along the way.
Your organizer has seen it all. There’s no judgement. They value your privacy and confidentiality. The organizing process is about the client, their emotions and their journey. The organizer is a guide on that journey, holding the client accountable and giving them the tools they need to succeed.
Help you Think Outside the Box.
Don’t be surprised if your organizer comes up with some “out of the box” ideas. As the organizer interacts with the client and gets to know the client’s needs, lifestyle and routines, they may be inspired to share some tools, processes, and “hacks” that may resolve a challenge that even the client may not have been aware of. Be open to the experience and know that great success comes once we are pushed beyond our comfort zone. The truth is we’ll never grow unless we face the challenges the unknown presents.