Simplify Your Move
In 2021 we witnessed homebuyers opting for more space in 2021, mostly due to remote work options and the move from urban communities to the suburbs. Desirable amenities for new homes were yard space, home offices, home gyms and more room. In 2022, the real...
Transitions & Downsizing
I have had firsthand experience when it comes to helping aging family members to transition to a smaller place, independent living, or assisted living. This is an emotional time for our loved ones and the entire family. Often the roles are reversed, and we become the...
You are the product of your thoughts, environment, and habits. Change all three and you too can be organized.
Organize Your Mind Identify where you are feeling “STUCK.” WHY do you want to be organized? Map out your VISION for an organized space. What does it look like? Pick ONE project/area that you have wanted to get organized. Take ACTION. Schedule 5-10 minutes every...
Moving On
It has been said that Life happens for us, not to us. We have all have a “lot” of life happening for us since the Pandemic. We have learned to adapt, to be resourceful and to appreciate our families, our health, and our Earth. There has been a great deal of loss, and...
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