New Year-New Opportunities –New You

New Year-New Opportunities –New You

Get Happy! It’s a new year for new adventures and new beginnings. You now have a blank slate to clear the clutter, organize your paperwork and create more space. Take advantage of the inspiration you are feeling now to free yourself from any “stuff” weighing you...
Start 2021 With Clarity

Start 2021 With Clarity

Now that 2020 is behind you. Did it leave you feeling scattered, overwhelmed and disorganized? If so, you are not alone. Since the Pandemic home offices became the new norm and kitchen tables, the new classroom. The piles on your desk are roadblocks to productivity...
5 Mail Organizing Hacks

5 Mail Organizing Hacks

1. Schedule a time to go through your mail and a Location for doing so Let’s face it you won’t have or care to deal with your mail when you get home. Set aside a couple of minutes each day when you can sit and go through each piece Also, if you do this with a trash...