What is Freedom to you?
There are many definitions of freedom for all of us. For America, we celebrate our freedom on July 4th. It marks the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation. For others freedom may represent...
Keeping Memories Not Trinkets
What’s the difference between meaningful memorabilia and sentimental clutter? Some of us fill our rooms, closets, cabinets or boxes with items we have collected throughout the years, such as: ticket stubs, Playbills, old letters, newspaper clippings, dried flowers,...
If You Love It, Keep It; If You Don’t, Set It Free
In today’s economy, it’s important to be a conscious shopper. Most stores, get our attention with the latest, the boldest colors, the bling, or the sales. Be present when you get in your car to go shopping for clothes, food, or housewares and you’ll spend less. Buy...
A Holiday to Remember
Most of us enjoy the holidays and look forward to setting up the tree, baking the cookies, and shopping for gifts. Yet for others, it’s a big production with lots of to dos, stress, and frustration. Instead of blaming others or the season for creating all this work...
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