Don’t Just Organize, Create a Sensory Experience!
Create a Sensory Experience We are affected by our environment. Pay attention to how you feel when you visit a home, enter a store, or an office. Notice how your senses immediately pick up smells, notice clutter, or feel claustrophobic. If you don’t feel Zen or...
A New Day…A New Life
Every day we wake up, we start a new day. When we open our eyes, we have the choice to continue with the thoughts we had the day before and stay in the loop of those feelings or make a choice to change those thoughts, jump of the wheel and create new experiences. We...
What is Freedom to you?
There are many definitions of freedom for all of us. For America, we celebrate our freedom on July 4th. It marks the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation. For others freedom may represent...
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