Let’s say you have decided to get organized. You have watched some YouTube videos, bought some containers and baskets, and have cleared your weekend afternoon to get started.

Then you look around your house at the piles of clothes, the miscellaneous boxes, and the kitchen counters. Then it hits you. Where do I start? How am I going to get this done in one afternoon? What was I thinking?
So, you decide to watch organizing videos, and after spending hours on research for organizing products or looking at plenty of before and after pictures, you then decide to do it next weekend. However, the next weekend arrives and now you have more piles, more paperwork and less of an idea on how to tackle this project and so, you decide you are not ready, and the cycle continues. This is where you finally admit to yourself that you need help. You can decide to hire an organizer to do it for you and be done or you can get organizing help. You can get guidance on how or where to start and someone to keep you accountable.

When we focus on a problem from a place of overwhelm or stress, we can’t see the possibilities. An organizer can step in and help you identify the reason and habits that caused your disorganization, and you can have step by step guidance during the process. The organizer is also there to work with you and identify solutions for creating space and make those difficult decisions that can create analysis paralysis.

I have worked with individuals who are organized, and have systems in place, but due to busy schedules, they have lost their focus and energy when it comes to maintaining their systems. You can save time, reduce stress, and be more efficient when you have a manageable plan. You can work as little or as much as you want with your organizer. Some may want to be involved in the process while others just want to be surprised. There is no right or wrong way to get organized, it’s what works for you and your budget.

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. Asking for help means that you are truly ready for change.