Do you open your kitchen cabinet to find an avalanche of Tupperware and containers and then spend considerable time matching their lids? It’s time to stop the madness and declutter your food storage containers once and for all.

Take Inventory of your stockpile

The Decluttering Process

1. Empty out the cupboard or cabinet and clean out the space

2. Lay out all your containers and find their matching lids—if you are missing a lid or can’t find the matching container, get rid of it

3. Assess your containers, are they stained, cracked, smelly, or older than dirt?—if so, get rid of them

Organize Your Stockpile

Create a  System

1. Arrange containers by size or frequency of use—Keep the ones you use the most handy. The oversized/once-in-a-while-used ones, can be stored in higher shelves or a different location

2. Find a storage solution for the lids:

  • Use bins or one of the containers to organize same size lids
  • add dividers to your drawers to keep lids separate
  • use tension rods for cabinets to keep lids in place
  • Integrate stackable organizers to create more space for containers and lids
  • if you have the space, keep the lids on the containers for easy access

3. Designate a specific place for each item and put items back in the same place each time

Evaluate and Maintain

Revisit your system, assess the condition of your inventory, and leave room for growth. Remember the key is to use what you have, not to store it away and forget it is there.

An organized space looks great and saves you time.