Now that the holiday season is over, it’s time to re-evaluate what organization tools or systems worked and what didn’t work.

1. Holiday Decoration Storage

Did you use all your decorations? If not, consider downsizing and only packing away the ones you are keeping. Use clear bins whenever possible so you can see what’s inside when storing these. Cardboard is a great budget friendly tool for creating dividers for ornaments and gift boxes are great for storing small delicate ornaments.

2. What needs to change if anything?

Do your systems mirror your daily habits? Did your habits change? Do you need a new command station for placing items when you come through the door, like keys, purses, sunglasses, change, etc? Maybe you are now opening your mail in the kitchen and need to create a space for sorting the mail, such as a caddy for bills, items to schedule, or to read later. Consider keeping the shredder and garbage can close by as you go through it. If you have a new pet, you may need a hook to hang up leashes, a place for treats or a bin for pet toys.

3. What are the biggest challenge areas in your home?

Look around, do you have areas where the family ‘dumps’ miscellaneous items such as bookbags, or shoes? This may be a good location for organizing a system to store these items, like hooks, cubbies, or furniture for storage that is not doing much in another area of your house.

4. Start Fresh

• Identify your goals and priorities
• Start with one area at a time
• Empty and clean out the space, classify items in categories (Keep, Donate, Trash) and then sort the keep items by similar type
• Use a maintenance proof system for the entire family by creating zones or homes for these items in that space and use storage containers, labels, or systems. Whenever an item is removed from its home, commit to putting it back where you found it. This is the key to maintaining your space organized.

Take advantage of any resolutions, motivation, or momentum that you have when starting a new year. Creating these systems may initially take time, be patient with yourself and remember…

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

~Martin Luther King