How Can an Organizer Help you?

How Can an Organizer Help you?

Let’s say you have decided to get organized. You have watched some YouTube videos, bought some containers and baskets, and have cleared your weekend afternoon to get started. Then you look around your house at the piles of clothes, the miscellaneous boxes, and the...
A New Day…A New Life

A New Day…A New Life

Every day we wake up, we start a new day. When we open our eyes, we have the choice to continue with the thoughts we had the day before and stay in the loop of those feelings or make a choice to change those thoughts, jump of the wheel and create new experiences. We...
What is Freedom to you?

What is Freedom to you?

There are many definitions of freedom for all of us. For America, we celebrate our freedom on July 4th. It marks the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation. For others freedom may represent...
Keeping Memories Not Trinkets

Keeping Memories Not Trinkets

What’s the difference between meaningful memorabilia and sentimental clutter? Some of us fill our rooms, closets, cabinets or boxes with items we have collected throughout the years, such as: ticket stubs, Playbills, old letters, newspaper clippings, dried flowers,...
Organizing Your Multi-Purpose Room

Organizing Your Multi-Purpose Room

Organizing Your Multi-Purpose Room Get creative using the space you have. If you don’t have a room in your house for an office, a guest room or an exercise room. Why not create and organize your multi-purpose room? The key to organizing your multi-purpose room is to...
Organizing on a Small or No Budget

Organizing on a Small or No Budget

Do you find yourself procrastinating when it comes to organizing your house because you don’t have the budget?  What if I told you that you can get organized on a small or no budget? To get started, follow the following 5 steps in the organization process:...
Is your Storage Unit Worth the Cost?

Is your Storage Unit Worth the Cost?

Storage units provide a solution for those in need of temporary or long-term storage before, during and after a move. However, monthly rents for self-storage space in many states have risen to record highs over the past three years. Most investors have rushed to meet...
If You Love It, Keep It; If You Don’t, Set It Free

If You Love It, Keep It; If You Don’t, Set It Free

In today’s economy, it’s important to be a conscious shopper. Most stores, get our attention with the latest, the boldest colors, the bling, or the sales. Be present when you get in your car to go shopping for clothes, food, or housewares and you’ll spend less. Buy...
New Year-New Opportunities –New You

New Year-New Opportunities –New You

Get Happy! It’s a new year for new adventures and new beginnings. You now have a blank slate to clear the clutter, organize your paperwork and create more space. Take advantage of the inspiration you are feeling now to free yourself from any “stuff” weighing you...
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