1. Schedule a time to go through your mail and a Location for doing so

    • Let’s face it you won’t have or care to deal with your mail when you get home. Set aside a couple of minutes each day when you can sit and go through each piece
    • Also, if you do this with a trash bin or a recycling bin/shredded next to you, then you can get rid of the mail you don’t want right away.

2. Mail Sorting System

    • File-what you need to save or scan later

Filing/Scanning tips:

If you choose to avoid filing paperwork, there are ways to scan your documents and save them for future reference. Today’s smart phones come with free scanning features or you can download free scanning apps for IOS and Android users such as:  CamScanner, TinyScanner, AdobeScan. IOS Users  can use the same ones listed above, or you can check out the free “Evernote Scannable app” hidden in the NOTES app on your I-phone.

    • Take Action-pay bills, sign/return, or schedule

Make calendar reminders or phone reminders to take actions prior to the deadlines on items that have due dates, if you are unable to do it right away. You can also keep a cascading folder system to organize your paperwork To-Dos for later.

3. Toss, Shred, Recycle or Trash

Shredding tips:

    • It is best to shred any documents with bank account numbers, Social Security Numbers, or Dates of Birth.
    • However if the information is minimal, Instead of cutting out and shredding the name and address/account numbers, or etc, for documents/magazines being thrown out, use a blackout stamper instead. You can buy it anywhere such as Amazon or your local office supply stores.

4. Get rid of Junk Mail

    • Go to PaperKarma.com. It’s an app that allows you take a picture of the junk mail and PaperKarma will contact the merchant and ask to have your name removed from their list.
    • Opt-out of credit card offers from credit bureaus and make sure the offer is shredded:   

To Opt-Out for five years: Call toll free 1-888-Opt-Out (1.888-567-8688) or visit www.optoutprescreen.com The phone number and website are operated by the major consumer reporting companies. To Opt Out permanently: You may begin the permanent Opt-Out process online at www.optoutprescreen.com

    •  Subscribe whenever possible to online paying systems to avoid the delivery of paper bills. If you have other companies that send you paper intensive correspondences, such as insurance companies, you may be able to get all documents you need online as opposed to having paper copies. For example some car insurance companies have apps or online access to view your policies online or any new correspondence.

     5.     Keep at It

Now that you have a system down, you have to keep it up. If you don’t have time every day to devote to sorting your mail, place it in an inbox on your desk, near your entryway, or in a corner on your kitchen counter top. Plan on spending time once or twice a week to sort each piece of mail so you don’t miss anything important.